Monday, December 19, 2011

People - around us

It is very funny how human being behave in situations they come across with. Default setting of their behavior is to safe-guard what they believe (or have heard of) while ignoring the fact that other person is also doing the same. In the meantime, if one of them intentionally or un-intentionally rejects other's beliefs or point of view (in an attempt to look better), the purpose of the whole discussion/interaction dies down right there. Anything after that is usually an attempt to prove each other wrong.

This is because mostly (or I should say commonly), human mind doesn't like to be told that it is or was wrong. It is therefore not a very healthy way of starting a discussion by negating whatever other person has said. Difference of opinion is natural and a healthy thing, but not everyone presents that properly and not everyone reacts to it sensibly. On top of that, we also like to make assumptions (99.9% wrong) that is totally wrong in the act. I think it is NOT fair to make assumptions about others based on your own experiences or observations. People do not necessarily act-all the time according to- what they believe. Making an assumption about someone does two things
1- It is harmful for the assumer him/herself, 
2- Point 1.

Or may be I'm 'assuming' wrong that people assume things. May be they know what they are doing but still they do it just to make themselves look better at times? may be I'm right or may be I'm wrong !

For example, people on my MSN, Facebook will tell me that 

"You are always online on. Don't you have anything else to do?" or
"You Facebook too much", or 
"You are an addict to Facebook" or
"Don't spend too much time on Facebook to ignore your family time" etc etc 

I mean they don't know how I use and why and when I use these social websites, therefore they are totally fooling themselves by making these statements that I may be not working or not spending time with my family, haaa! And excuse me, I very well know the difference in someone kidding or no kidding when making any statements. 

Just to shut such 'fool' assumers, all I did was change my status to offline. I still spend almost the same time on any website/social platform whenever I want to but now no one (or most of them) don't say these things anymore and in fact if I change my status to online, they will ask me "where are you lost these days?". I don't know what 'people' want 'other people' to do and why would someone would want someone else to do anything in one's life according to their wish or what they think is the right thing to do. I mean how stupid or foolish you have to be to think so? 

And then my reply to such people who would comment that I am addict to any website, is that why is it that you always say that? What does that mean (if you know what I mean)? Everyone has got time at his/her hand that one spend to please oneself the way one wants. I choose to spend it my way. Did I ever object on the way others use their free time, watching movies, sports, staying late outside with friends, partying or whatever? It is personal choice. At least I spend most of my time with my family when I spend my time in front of my computer. You can sit at home and do nothing or you can sit in front of computer and browse the wealth of information and knowledge, empowering yourself - while let people assume that they are the only one who know the best of everything. 

Funny people !!